EN 50360-2001 Product standard todemonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic
restricions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields(300MHz - - 3GHz)
EN 20556-2013Product standard to demonstrate compliance of radio frequency fields from hand held
and body-mounted wireless communication devices used by the general public(30MHz - - 6GHz)
EN 62209-1-2006 Human exposure to radio frelds from hand-held and body-mounted wireless
communication devices - Human models,instrumentarion,and procedures -Part1:Procedure to
determine the specific absorption rete(SAR)for hand-held devices used in close proximity to
the ear (frquency range of 300 MHz to 3GHz)
EN 62209-2-2010 Human exposure to radiofiequency fields from hand-held body-mounted wireless
communication devices - Human models,instrumentarion,and procedures -Part2:Procedure to
determine the specific absorption rete(SAR)for wireless communication devices used in close
proximity to the huma body (frquency range of 30 MHz to 6GHz)
EN 62479-2010 Assessment of the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus
with the basic restrictions related human exposure to electromagneetic (10 MHz - 300GHz)
其中,技术标准EN 62209-2-2010作为产品标准EN 50566-2013的技术规范性文件,定义为body
SAR检测距离,由产品制造商按照定义其产品预期使用的典型距离。如手机类,body SAR可定义
并采用10mm/ 15mm作为评估距离。
2014年,法国对标准EN 50566-2013提出异议,指出应考虑便携和移动式产品的具体使用条件,
并应提出body SAR的评估距离。欧盟经过评估后认为该提议合理,需对EN50566进行修订补充,
警示:基于安全性目标,结合指令1999/5/EC的Article 3(1)(a)条款以及附件l至指令2006/95/EC,
确保公众在使用|(30MHz - 6GHz)手持式和身体佩戴式无线通信设备时的安全性。
body SAR (限值为2W/kg),测量间隔距离可以是几mm。
{ Warning: The application of this publication shall observe certain conditions relating to the separrtion
distance,reflecting the practical day to day use, ensuring the safe use of handheld and body-mounted
wireless communication devies used by the general public(30 MHz - 6GHz),for the purposes of the
safety objectIves provided for in Article 3 (1)(a)of Directive 1999/5/EC,in conjunction with Annex l to
Directve 2006/95/EC.For example,for limb SAR measurements (limit 4 W/kg), on separation distance
may be used (device in contact );for trunk SAR measurements (limit 2 W/kg)a separation distance of
less than a few millimetres may be used.}
SAR (限值为2W/kg),测量间隔距离为5mm。因此对于近期计划开展欧盟SAR检测的项目各位负责人